
Sunday, October 19, 2008

My Heart is in the work

By Eleven, This is my first blog ever.

I am writing after eleven months and a distance of eleven thouand odd miles from my home. Eleven months back I was in love. Deep love! Suddenly eleven weeks back she saw through me and now I am nursing a broken heart though I dont have even close to eleven dollars in my Pee and See bank account.

So tired of nursing my broken heart, I decided to 'MoVe oN'. That cliched line which monkeys, chimpanzees, apes, gorillas, urangutans, snow man, all the different kinds of primitive men and the modern metrosexual men have been telling each other when all their corrsponding female monkeys, female chimpanzees, female apes et al 'change their minds'.

I can't reiterate more than this when I swear that in the eleven accents that I can talk in that this is painful moment of my life. But then, very similar to what Sir Winston Churcill said: If the British Empire were to last for more than a thouand years, men shoud still look back and say that 'this was their finest hour', I took could say, that if I were to last for a hundred years, you folks could still say that 'Mate, this was your finest hour.' - The Battle Within.

Now lets give a break to the jabberworcking and consider what you would enjoy reading.
Are you intrigued by any of these:

A creative writer?
A quizzer ?
A debator ?
A Manchester United supporter ?
Ever fought in the World Wars ? or even the recent ones ?
Interested in American Universities ?
Obsessed with Lindsay Lohan ?
And the lips of Angelina Jolie ?
Admire the Pittsburgh Steelers ?
The Indian Cricket team ?
Engineering and Management ?
The crappy structure of governemnt jobs !
Operas of Guiseppe Verdi ?
Bill Cinton and Monica Lewinsky ?
William Wallace ?
Love, Love and Love alone ? Poor me :(
Age of Empires ?
1/11 Gurkha Rifles ?
Vodka Martini...shaken not stirred ?
British vs American vs arghh Ozzie accents ?
Princess Diana and her kids and their bitches ?
Earthquakes in the Far East ?
Testicular Cancer?
Sherlock Holmes ?
Sex on the beach..the cocktail, I mean ?
An Electric Kiss ?

If yes, then stay on and get drowned in the nectar that will soon ooze out of the mountain on top of Shangri La.
If not, you will soon get intrigued by one of these.
Nomine Patris et Filius et Spiritus Sanctus. Amen !